Entertaining you at the rose and crown
Entertainment weekly:
Momday: Poker night 8pm
Redtooth 13 week tournament and a chance to win tickets to Vegas.
1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month 8pm quiz night:
£3 per person. Inc quiz, super, and a ticket for play your cards right.
Last Tuesday of every month:
Meet and match 6pm - 9pm
A special night for adults with learning difficulties. Help to increase confidence and meet new friends. quizzes and games.
Mixed darts league.
If you are interested in joining or making a new team please speak to Michelle.
Pool league.
Friday Nights:
9pm live music or entertainment.
All free unless otherwise stated. Please check events for listing.
7pm a disco with DJ balle.
Dance away to all eras.
Phone: 01200 442 848 Email: [email protected]
Address: 21 Castle Street Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 2BT